Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where's my kitteh? TUNICA? WHAT?

Well, i found out we our getting our new addition to the family on Monday because Blake decided last minute he wanted to go to Tunica. He got a new job--woot (and it was the one he REALLY wanted) and it doesn't start for two more weeks. He REALLY wanted to go to Vegas, but after looking at prices right now, i immediately nixed it. So, he came up with Tunica. We could drive and get a hotel for pretty damn cheap for 3 nights.

I haven't had a weekend that wasn't chaotic yet, so i immediately nixed it. Somehow he won. Stupid birthdays. He loves to gamble, i mean LOVES to gamble. I finally gave in and literally said, FINE, WE"LL GO! (I'm just excited because there is a Paula Deen restaurant inside our hotel, lol) I'm sure we'll have fun, and i will be honest, i need a vacation bad, but i was hoping for more of a well, beachy place. lol.

So, now his sister and a friend are going too! I want to be excited, and i sure i will get there, but we are going to Chicago the following weekend for a wedding, (which reminds me, after the last GNO and this trip, I am sure my bm dress will be nice and tight). It's not like i am turning into a giant heifer as it is without STILL being able to work out (by the way, shot #2 wasn't AS bad. Hostel man wore a purple apron this time, it still hurt like a mother, but it was over way faster, and the recovery time was a little better. I won't lie, it's probably bc i had good pain meds this time.) I go back to my doc Oct 2nd, so we'll see what she says then!

So, back to my feline baby, now I have to wait until Monday to get my furbaby. His mom thinks it's a girl, and i still want her to be called Lu-Lu, but Blake isn't having it. He thinks it will confuse Lily.

(Here she is cuddled in the blankies, i wonder what her reaction to all this will be!)

Anyone have any other ideas? I want something cute and girly if its a girl, and something cute if it's a boy. Get it? I like cute! I like Marley for a boy, but that go nixed too. I swear, we are NEVER going to be able to agree on baby names. Our poor kids will be called #1 or baby........or worse, IT! AHHHHH!


Julia Goolia said...

I like Marley, Riley, Bailey, etc. All those names work for both sexes.

My mom has a dog named Lucie and I love that. You could call her Lu-Lou for short I suppose, and Blake couldn't get too mad at that:)

LucyinStLou said...

This website has a lot of great cat names: http://www.cat-names.us/. I looked at the dog version when we were naming Charlotte and Annabelle.

Have a fun trip!

Maria said...

I've never been to Tunica, so I'll be interested to hear about your trip. Have a great time!!