Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sweet 16

Only 3 days late ;)

Dear Brady,
Oh, my man! Can you believe it's been 4 months since your birthday? Me either! Your personality keeps coming out, lil man. You are your own soul and rock to your own beat!
Well, your love of balls keeps on growing! We took you to the Bowling Alley for the first time to watch Daddy bowl and you were in HEAVEN! You ran around screaming, "ball, ball!" It made our night to watch your face light up! It was a tiny moment that we loved and will treasure dearly. 

 Another thing you love? Hats. You own a ton already and truly love to wear them around the house, shopping or on walks. I can't help but smile as I see your sweet curls poking out but it also reminds me that you are getting bigger every day.
You got your First Valentine from your momma of course! :)

I think one of the highlights of this month was a break in the Winter Blues. We have had some beautiful spring weather and we soaked up every minute. One day, it was absolutely gorgeous out but the park was still covered in snow/ice but that didn't stop you!  You loved running around pointing at the trees and seeing all the doggies!
 This is what true happiness is all about and this picture captures it all, little man. The way your face lights up as we run around outside truly makes my heart grow. I think you would live outside if I let you and each time we have to come inside, your little heart looks like it is breaking!
 You are so sweet. Blowing kisses, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek and giving love to your stuffed animals. Your new word is 'Baby' and everything is baby. I ask you what your name is and you say, 'baby.' We watch videos on facebook of baby friends and you point to them and say, 'baby!'

You call Grandma, 'ma ma'. The cat is pretty much your best friend but she doesn't know it yet. You chase her around yelling, 'Kitty' You can point to your eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, ears, belly, and feet.  You love to turn the tv on and off in our bedroom (you've been doing this for a while and we have to make sure you don't sneak away to watch lots of tv!)

You do the cutest sign for milk and say, 'dink' The biggest thing you have done is ask to go to bed. You had your first big cold, full of a yucky nose and sad cough. Mommy asked you if you wanted to go night night and you nodded your head and said, 'uh huh!' That is huge, buddy! Mommy is so proud! You are also getting better at matching shapes!

Another big thing? Playing independently for very, very long periods of time. Your favorite toys are your eggs, Laugh and Learn House, balls, Little People Farm and bus and blocks. You are getting so good at stacking them and crack up when they fall! Books are still high on the list and you favorite ones have animals in them, mostly the little einstein's animal book. I point to the animals and you either say their names or call them baby. Your newest animal sound is an owl. It's probably cute as can be!

 You are such a ham, little man. You make everyone around you smile and chuckle. Whether it's the way you say, "oh no!" with the puzzled look on your face, complete with a leg slap, or how you love to throw 'trash' away even if it's not meant to be such.

Speaking of, I had to dig your Daddy's keys out of the trash can today.  I find all kinds of toys and silly things in odd places. You sure know how to surprise me and keep me on my toes!

 You got your first haircut and let me tell you, it was hard to see you look so grown up! Mommy would look at you and I couldn't believe how my baby grew up so fast. I can happily say, the curls came back! I know it will always grow back but it's hard to know that your baby is not so much anymore.  

You are getting close to being able to pull up your own pants and try hard! You know what things are used for and it blows my mind how quick you pick up on things. You are such a big helper and want to help me do everything! You most love Mommy's phone and I think you want it for your own!

  You love to sit in this chair your cousin got you for your birthday. Daddy calls it your Man chair and you would love to sit in it all day and watch cartoon if we would let you. You get sucked it and it's those moments that you remind me of your daddy! :) 
Baby, I love you! I can't believe the person you are becoming and each day you surprise me with something new. I think that is one of the things I look forward to most, seeing what you'll do next!

As always, I love you to pieces.


Erin said...

How sweet! My son is 13 months and is getting close to that first haircut. I'm dreading it...he also has curls that I'm not ready to give up yet.

Anonymous said...

He sure is cute! He has precious facial expressions!!


Joline said...

He looks so much like you, Amy!