Monday, February 27, 2012


It would be hard to simply say that our lives have changed over the past two years but not a moment has gone by that we have not forgotten or felt like a piece of us was missing.

Two years ago today, we lost a friend and it changed us. Over the course of thirteen months, we lost too many more and I was sure life would never feel right again.

Two years is a long time but it still feels like yesterday. We slowly are trusting the happiness that we have been blessed with and in some ways, starting over.

I know there are days when I fear what will happen next or I feel guilty for feeling so happy but at the end of every storm, there is a rainbow. Cheesy as it may sound, I feel like that is the course our lives have taken.

after rain there's a rainbow, after a storm there's calm, after the night there's a morning, and after a ending there's a new beginning. -unkown

 The next few months are marked with more 'anniversaries' but while there may have been a time in the past when it had broken us down, we are resilient. I feel more confident than ever saying that. We've struggled a lot of over the past two years, more than I'd let myself admit but I know we are stronger than ever.

We will welcome our beautiful baby boy this summer and become a family of four. His life will just be beginning  but it marks so much more for all of us. We have so much to be thankful for and I'm so ready for this new chapter in our lives.

As we start this next chapter, I know we will not be doing it alone.

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