Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Days like this.

If you reading this in Google reader and if you changed to my domain, I'm just at blogger for now (long story but helping out a friend!)

Ah. Some days, life is so good, you never want that moment to end. Sunday was one of those. It started out with him sleeping ALL NIGHT (he will tell you that too!) and playing quietly in his room.

I told him how proud of I was of him for sleeping so well all week. He later responds, 'Please, take me bye-bye!" How do you resist that?
 There was lots of swinging, big slides and lots of laughter.

There is something about hearing your child tell you he is so happy that makes your heart do flip-flops.

"I'm so excited, momma!' "I have fun!"

After dinner at Nana and Papa's, Brady fed their horses carrots and apples, Then, mommy let him 'ride' one of the horses. He was so excited! Feeding the horses (they also have goats and ducks too) is something he does almost every week when he goes over there (they watch him on Monday's!) but Mommy has not been lucky enough to witness this! He was such a pro and so proud of himself! 
It's day like this that I want to bottle up. The look in his eyes and that feeling in my heart. I have always been sad to watch him grow up but I find so much more to love with each age. Our time as a family of three is limited and while I know it will only make our lives more complete, I find myself wondering how there could possibly be room in my heart. 

 Then, I look at him. Sleeping peacefully or giving me that look at only a child can give his momma and my worries dissipate. 

1 comment:

Meredith said...

That little hat is just so stinking cute!