We have nothing done. I keep laughing because there is a treadmill, an elliptical, a desk, and a ton of bowling balls in his future bedroom! We need to install some sort of organizational something into his closet since what is in there is falling apart. The room needs to be painted and we actually need a new window too! Yikes! In the midst of this, I need to switch Brady to a new big bed (twin probably unless I can convince someone to get us a king size!) so that B2 can have his mattress. Lots to do! (Side note: If anyone finds any cute truck/car sheets...that was his request!)
I won't be working on it this weekend though! I'm taking a mini trip away with a few friends. I'm looking forward to sleeping in, eating good food and relaxing! I cannot tell you how much this is needed. Brady's sleeping has been awful lately and I'm just purely exhausted. I am starting to freak out that I am leaving my baby boy for three whole nights. I'm sure I"ll miss him more than he'll miss me since he has some fun stuff planned with Daddy, his Aunt and Grandma! The hormones don't help because I get all teary thinking about leaving him!
I do plan on indulging in a bit of Southern cooking and BBQ. More than anything, I'm pretty pumped to eat her food. Bring on the butta!
The weekend after next, we are going to attempt potty training. Insert a big scary face here because that is how I feel about it.
Ah, I've started the daycare/preschool search. I'm not quite sure what we'll be doing once B2 comes but I've been putting this off for that reason. I decided that it really wasn't fair to Brady and started looking into a few. I'm hoping to send him a few days while I"m on maternity leave to give him a little something that is just for him. Plus, he needs to get out of the house. I'm nervous about delving into all the germs because we've been so lucky so far and he's rarely been sick. I'm excited for what will mean to him and what he'll learn!
I can't believe all the changes that are too come. With change, brings good things. Good things are good!
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