Sometimes we felt like we would never get off. It was scary and unsettling but we got off and saw things we never noticed before. We count our blessings more often and look at life in a different light.
Tiny toes, Big dimply smiles, bear hugs and sly toddler grins.
The pitter patter of feet against the hardwood floors.
Sweet babbles at the crack of dawn whispering into the baby monitor
Sounds of laughter and a tiny voice that says, 'ma-ma' that make me weak in the knees.
The sight of a head bobbing dancing toddler
The anticipation of walking through the door and being greeted with a big toothy smile.
The chuckles and smiles that this silly soul brings us everyday.
The look in his eyes of the uttermost trust and pure unconditional love.
Happiness. Joy. Sheer excitement.
Unconditional love
Pure contentment
Being surrounded by friends and family throughout the year.
Leaning on each other during the hard times and celebrating the happy moments.
Watching our most loved ones develop bonds and relationships with our son.
A roof over our head and food in our bellies.
Healthy bodies and sounds minds. Some of us might have to take extra precautions or medications to keep disease at bay but it allows those people to live life with us.
We might not like a lot of things about where we are in life but there is always possibility of change.
As the holidays draw near, my heart is happy but I can't help but hurt for those we don't get to spend it with them with. Matt's family will sit down at thanksgiving without him. My grandma will not get to take home leftovers she loved so much....
In my gratitude, I see peace. I find prayer and we embrace each other.
We celebrate memories.
We create new traditions.
In those traditions, we carry little pieces of their past with us.
Today, I look at my son and see the true definition of gratitude. In every little piece of him, we are so blessed. Even in our imperfections and even in the sleeplessness, our blessings are so evident every single day.