Don't believe me?
Well, this pile contains....
23 shirts/outfits
16 sleepers
8 blankets
2 sheet sets (not pictured)
1 changing table cover
14 burp cloths (that we actually used, this doesn't count the clothes that I had to wash)
9 bibs (we decided using bibs would help with keep spit up off his clothes, and thus need to do less....yeah, it's working really well, lol)
This is why babies need so many damn clothes. This is a weeks worth of clothes. Not even a full SEVEN DAYS WORTH since I did this on a Sunday. Sunday's didn't count....
I always chuckled at the thought of having so many clothes in his closet, and now I am thinking we need more.
Thank you reflux.
I guess you could say that Tide thanks you too (oh, and the water company--they are getting quite rich off of us.)
I hear ya!! I have to do Miss M's cloths twice a week. They go through a LOT of cloths and FAST!
holy crap!!!
Oh my goodness....
Oh I know, reflux is not nice, i do that mch laundry in a week as well haha
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