Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Things I have learned....

Here are some things that I wish I knew or have learned so far....
  • You might feel some instinct on how to care for your new baby, but sometimes dads need a little guidance (esp. if they haven't been around a baby, like ever!) You can't just assume they know what to do! Taking a class helps but they might not remember everything in the moment. Give them time to learn!
  • Using a breast pump does weird things to your nipples.
  • Breastfeeding isn't as awkward/weird as you thought it would be.
  • Lanolin can stain your clothes.
  • You might find yourself excited over the amount you pump......
  • Any shyness/modesty goes out the window during childbirth. You won't care who sees your lady parts when you need help getting out of bed after a c-section to use the bathroom.
  • People will ask about your boobs like they are a foreign object and not a personal part of your body.
  • Even if you didn't quite enjoy pregnancy like you thought you would, you might actually miss being pregnant after it is all over.
  • Even with all the complications, pain, and tribulations you endured with the birth of your baby, you can't wait to do it all over again!
  • I never knew that staring at your baby could be the best entertainment and you never tire of it.
  • Always keep their goods covered when changing diapers. You will regret it if you don't
  • I was worried about caring for his circumcision and belly button before he came, but once he was here, it was no biggie.
  • Caring for him period seems like 2nd nature.
  • Your emotions post partum might make you feel like you are a bit crazy, but they do settle down. I think I cried more tears the first week literally over nothing, than I did the whole pregnancy.
  • Leaving your baby for the first time is hard, but when you see him again, you wonder why you worried so much.
  • You really do know your baby best. You learn what every cry, wince, or grunt means without even knowing it.
  • 8 lbs of baby=more laundry than you could imagine. Who knew such a tiny body can cause so much destruction to you house. I run the dishwasher more often, and our trash overflows more quickly. All because of a tiny little body....
  • Babies really do just eat, sleep, pee and poop.
  • Speaking of bodily functions, little 8 pounds of baby can really pass some gas, and clear a room!
  • Those stretch marks you developed last minute, are not as bad as you thought they were when you remember why you have them.
  • Your body does bounce back but not immediately. My maternity clothes are huge on me, but I am not quite ready for my pre-prego pants. I about 11 more pounds to lose from the pregnancy, and hope to loose more than that (I gained weight pre-prego bc of my car accident)
  • BUT at the same time, I feel more confident knowing what my body is capable of and seeing how it can bounce back after what it has gone through (aka=healing!!)
  • Breastfeeding is more difficult than I ever imagined, and may not always happen the way you expected. While he latched on immediately, we struggle with supply issues and have to supplement with formula. I still pump, and while I don't get a lot that way, I feel good giving him every little drop. Things are improving on this front, but it is way harder than I expected and I refuse to give up yet.
  • The love you have for you own child is truly unconditional, immense and wonderful. You may only have had this little being in your life for 3 weeks and you cannot imagine you life without him......


Sherry said...

This made me so teary! I love having a toddler, but I can't wait to have another little baby in my arms. They're just so sweet.

Jennelle said...

Awwww! You make me so excited to have kids. :)

Sarah said...

If I have 298357 items in my google reader, but I see that you have a post, I go for yours first. I absolutely love love love reading what you have to say about your family/baby. It makes me so, so excited to have children some day. Another beautiful, heartfelt (and funny!) post. :)

Lisa said...

I love this, Amy. Thanks so much for continually sharing what life is like with a newborn. I thoroughly appreciate your insight. And, it has to be said again - you are one awesome mom :).

Meredith said...

I so, so, SO appreciate this post! I am absolutely terrified of the whole recovery process, so it's nice to hear an encouraging word!

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

These are sooo true! I am so glad both of our little treasures are here and all is good!
I hope my body bounces back like yours did

Maria said...

I really, really appreciate you posting this. It's nice to see what I have to look forward to. :-)

PQ said...

how amazing! thanks, amy. i can't wait to see you and meet your little man!

leah @maritalbless said...

You speak the complete truth girl!

Especially regarding bf'ing.

Stuff Parents Need said...

Great insights. And isn't their ability to do some seriously stinky toots just unbelievable!?