Well, these are the not the greatest before pics of the dining room. Notice the ledges, and the neon blue-green carpet (hint hint!)
Step 2 Remove cheap linoleum.
Step 3: Scream in disgust at 2nd, 3rd....and oh yes, 4th layer of ugly linoleum. This was the bottom layer.
Here is the only decent shot i can't find right now of the laminate flooring. It doesn't look too bad here but a) it was put down very poorly (aka=thrown down, pieces were popping up and there were gaps b) it was cheap, and therefore didn't clean well (what is shine?) c) it didn't flow with the house.

Now....this is what we did!
Step 1: Remove ugly and cheap laminate flooring.

Here is the SAME room after.....cabinets have been painted, and different kitchen table!
The same room with the ledges and blue carpet. The room is open and looks huge! I need to do some other things in here because it was a modge podge of junk before!
The new floors! They are called 'Gunstock Oak'
The two pics look totally different but true color is really a combo of both, lol!
So, our house is minus two ledges as well! I cannot believe the magnitude of difference this made. Not only do they look great, but they are solid, and SHINY! Plus, since we took off 4 layers of flooring....we feel like we added some height, lol!

The house is slowly returning to normal. I will post a pic when we get the house all back to normal but it might take us a week or so since we are both beyond TIRED! Think dust, and more dust everywhere. Phew......